The first test network of the private Ethereum network was deployed. The research of the test network confirmed that the base technology and network topology were suitable for the private nodes of the Bitbon System network, which allowed using this architecture for further development of nodes of the Bitbon System network.
Assetbox storage was deployed. The performance of the network and storage of the Bitbon System were tested and, as a result, their performance and reliability were increased. The Assetbox storage was also tested for scalability with increasing amounts of data.
Processing components and storage network for trading platforms and services in the test network of the Bitbon System were deployed, resource and load tests were conducted, characteristics and performance of the entire System as a whole were studied. The coordinated work of all components of the System achieved after the deployment allowed eliminating time delays and data loss when processing transactions and User request. The storage network was confirmed to be ready for further interaction with various external services.