How Bitbon System Users Interact in the Contributing Process
Contributing[i] as a type of activity is possible only in the Bitbon System[i] and implies interaction of all its participants and the Bitbon System capitalization fund[i], which acts in the interests of all Bitbon System Participants[i]. The Bitbon System User[i] in the status of a Bitup-Agency[i] makes a decision on the admission of the Contractat’s[i] project to the IBO[i] and supervises its implementation in the Bitbon System under the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol of this business project by representing and protecting the interests of Contributors[i] of this business project.

1. IBO Process
The Bitup-Agency launches this process in the Bitbon System in order to attract the amount of Bitbons[i] specified in the Projectbon Protocol from Contributors for implementing the Contractat’s business project. The IBO process starts when the Bitup-Agency adds the IBO Certificate[i] to the register of business projects. The IBO process is completed when Contributors determine their shares in the amount of 100% of the total number of Projectbons of this business project.
2. Contributing Process of the Bitbon System Users
After Contributors exchange their Bitbons for Projectbons, these Bitbons are automatically transferred to the Masterbox of a specific project to be further used for implementing the stages of the Contractat’s project.
3. Fulfilling the Terms and Conditions of the Projectbon Protocol by the Contractat
Full Implementation of the Business PlanThis process is characterized by the stage-by-stage implementation of the Contractat’s business project as well as the fulfillment of the Contractat’s obligations under the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol of this project. Then, the benefit received from the business project is distributed between the Contractat and Contributors.
4. Bitbon Capitalization Process
The Bitbon System capitalization fund takes part in contributing in accordance with the classes of Projectbon Protocols of specific business projects in order to increase the amount of Bitbons and Projectbons in the Assetbox[i] of the fund, thus promoting the growth of the Bitbon capitalization.
Flowchart of how the
Bitbon System Users
interact in the contributing process

1The Contractat initiates the creation of the Projectbon Protocol of his/her own project.
2The Bitup-Agency makes a decision on admission of the Contractat’s project to the IBO and supervises its implementation in the Bitbon System under the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol of this project.
3The Bitup-Agency adds the IBO Certificate to the register of business projects in order to attract funds for the business project implementation by means of Projectbons.
4The Contributor purchases Bitbons.
4.1The Contributor determines his/her share in the business project by exchanging Bitbons for Projectbons of this project.
5By means of contributing and based on the class of the Projectbon Protocol of a specific project, the Bitbon System capitalization fund allocates a certain number of Bitbons in order to start fulfilling the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol.
6Transfer of Bitbons received from Contributors and the Bitbon System capitalization fund to the Masterbox of a specific project in order to implement stages of the Contractat’s project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol.
7The business project implementation stages under the terms and conditions described in the Projectbon Protocol. All Bitbon transfers from the Masterbox to the Assetbox of the Contractat must be confirmed by digital access keys, which are generated by the Bitbon System when the Bitup-Agency adds the IBO Certificate to the register of business projects and are provided to the Contractat and the Bitup-Agency. These digital keys can only be used simultaneously under the terms and conditions specified in the Projectbon Protocol of a specific business project.
8Financial result in the form of additional benefit received afterwards from the business project under the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol.
9According to the Projectbon Protocol of this business project, the benefit received from the business project is converted to Bitbons in order to fulfill the Contractat’s obligations to the Contributors including the Bitbon System capitalization fund.
9.1Bitbons are transferred to the Contractat’s Assetbox followed by their further transfer to the Masterbox of a specific project for the purpose of distributing Bitbons among the Contributors’ personal Assetboxes according to their shares in Projectbons (performing obventing[i]).
9.2Contributors receive their benefit (obvents[i]) designated in Bitbons according to their shares in Projectbons.
9.3Obvents are allocated to the Assetbox of the Bitbon System capitalization fund as a Contributor of this business project according to its share in Projectbons. Bitbons received as obvents are further sent for the implementation and development of other projects, the shares of which are designated in Projectbons. Thus, this process promotes the growth of the Bitbon capitalization.
10Part of the received benefit is also distributed to the Contractat’s Assetbox under the terms and conditions of the Projectbon Protocol.