when working with the Bitbon Protocol:
Bitbon System Public Contract
Bitbon System Public Contract is a social contract of constitutive nature of the Bitbon System Social Network that establishes the basis of the Bitbon System operation.
The Bitbon System Public Contract identifies tasks and objectives of the Bitbon System Community, stipulates main terms and conditions for use, as well as for development of the Bitbon System infrastructure and circulation of digital assets in the Bitbon System.
You can read the full version of the Bitbon System Public Contract by following the link: http://bitbon.space/en/bitbon-system-public-contract
Extract from the inventory passport dated May 1, 2023, to the Bitbon System project infrastructure component
The document is an extract formed from the inventory passport to the following nonmonetary assets: intangible asset being the software product “Components and Services of the Bitbon System Infrastructure” and intangible asset being the software “Bitbon System Infrastructure Access Set”, which specify the Company’s property included in these nonmonetary assets as well as information on such property.
The information provided in this extract is public and stored in the corresponding state registers and open sources.
You can read the full version of the document by following the link: https://information-resources.bitbon.space/pdf/extract-inventory-passport.pdf